Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reversed Chocolate Toffee?

So there is this idea that my boyfriend came up with, chocolate inside of an layer of toffee.  I thought it was totally impossible to make, but maybe there is a way to do so.  So after a lot of pondering, I came up with a plan.  Make the toffee... then simply wrap some chocolate chips inside the toffee before it gets too hard.  I try out this plan but as I try to work as quickly as i can,  I realize I am not fast enough.
The first one was a bust because the sugar was so soft that chocolate just oozed out...
The second one was a kinda a bust, but it was only because I wanted them to look like little truffles, round like a ball and when I set it down on the silpat, it became a mound that had a flat side...
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth came out good though.  They were round like balls and the chocolate was totally enclosed...
The last one I tried to make came out like a little wrinkle of toffee around some chocolate...
All in all it was a fun little experiment and I had fun and the toffees were delicious.  Maybe next time I'll add some chopped up almonds or walnuts and make some Reversed English Toffees.  ;D

Happy chomps and nibbles!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mocha Bread...(Part 2)

Vegan Mocha Bread...Is it a winner or a big old flop?

I think that my version was very successful.  The bread was soft and moist and delicious while the biscuit cookie top was a little different from the original store bought mocha bread, it was still good.  I even think that the bread is better than the original bread.  It was extremely moist and soft.  But I will say mixing and matching the two would be the best.

So onto the new and improved Mocha bread recipe
400 grams AP Flour
60 grams Sugar
8 grams Salt
6 grams Instant Coffee
12 grams Dry Yeast
40 grams Margarine
1/2 cup applesauce
114 grams Luke Warm Water

90 grams Butter
70 grams Sugar
1 Egg yolk
24 grams Milk
1 tsp. Instant Coffee
186 grams AP Flour
4 grams Baking Powder

Hope this bread comes out great for everyone!

Happy chomps and nibbles!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Korean Mocha Bread

I came home to find a Korean Mocha Bread sitting on the counter in the kitchen.  I didn't think much of it, but thought it'll be a good snack with some tea or some hot chocolate.  It was so delicious that I ate half a loaf in one sitting.  Of course I had just taken 2 slices upstairs at first and had to make a couple of trips downstairs to get more.  So I hope that I burned some of those calories from the trip up and down the stairs.

But as I finished the loaf the next day, I thought maybe just maybe I could make it at home.  Make more of the bread that I was hooked on and make it more delicious. So I went hunting on the internet for a recipe to start with.  Its a pretty easy recipe.  I found it on  I think that it tasted great but I thought that the biscuit topping was a little too dry and needed a little more sugar.  So I tweeked it.

So now the recipe is as follows:
400 grams AP Flour
60 grams Sugar
8 grams Salt
6 grams Instant Coffee
12 grams Dry Yeast
40 grams Butter
2 Eggs
114 grams Luke Warm Water

100 grams Butter
70 grams Sugar
1 Egg Yolk
24 grams Milk
1 tsp. Instant Coffee
186 grams AP Flour
4 grams Baking Powder

So I set out to make this bread a second time.  But of course I run out of eggs.  So I thought maybe I should take this as a chance to make it without eggs, make it vegan.  So I pondered and pondered, and searched google to find a way to do this.  I learned that eggs can be substituted with bananas or applesauce.  So I tried it by substituting the 2 eggs with a banana or a quarter cup of applesauce, the egg yolk with a quarter of a banana, replacing the milk with just water and the butter with margarine.  I am in the process of trying this recipe out but I will be back with the results soon.

Happy chomps and nibbles!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Apple Salad

When I was younger, my mom used to make this fruit salad that I just loved.  It was creamy, while crisp and sweet and overall just delicious.  The funny thing is that I was reminded of this salad when I heard a radio segment about different foods and dishes that remind others of the holiday season.  One of these dishes that the callers called in about was an apple salad.  It had apples, raisins, and peanuts, but the kicker is that it was mixed with mayo.  The story was that while trying to make an ambroisa salad, she realized that she didn’t have all the ingredients.  All she had was apples, peanuts, raisins and mayonnaise.  So she went with it and made that as the salad.  When everyone had tried it at the dinner table, everyone loved it and in so becoming a staple on their holiday table.

But my family’s version is a bit different.  My mom used to make a fruit salad with any type of fruit, nuts and raisins.  To bring the whole salad together, my mom used mayonnaise as the dressing but to add a little sweetness and creaminess she also added a spoonful of non-dairy creamer in powder form.  I just love the apples and raisins that are in this salad, and the nuts always bring a crunch too.

This maybe one of the weirder sounding salads, but it is delicious and worth a try. 

Happy chomps and nibbles!